Requests for help can be made either directly from the Contact Support form on the Support page or by emailing the Support Desk.

When describing an issue give as much information as possible. The following information will be of significant help to the Safend Support Team:

  1. Information about the system’s environment, for example: server and machine OS, server and agent build and whether the server has been upgraded recently.
  2. Safend server logs. For instructions on exporting server logs see below.
  3. Safend agent logs, if the issue is related to a specific client machine. For instructions on exporting agent logs see below.
  4. Screenshots of the reported issue taken from the server and the agent.
  5. Any other relevant information.


Exporting Safend Server and Agent Logs

Program Files > Safend > Safend Data Protection > Management Server > bin

  1. Run SDTInit.
  2. Replicate the issue (if possible).
  3. Run SDTCollect.

A ZIP file is generated and saved in ProgramData > Safend > SDT > Results > [date created]–Agent > ServerResults-[date created]-[time created].ZIP

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